In 2016, he once again participated in The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race to celebrate his 10 year anniversary, but this time also in The Yukon Quest 1.000 Mile International Sled Dog Race.

He’s been skiing across Greenland, Svalbard and Alaska. He climbed some of the world’s highest peaks and is half way through completing his Seven Summits.

He is a man who never sticks out his head for attention or fame, although his track record suggests that he could certainly do just that. If you are lucky, Tore will be your guide and join you and the group for some of the activities.

With more than 40 years of experience in extreme challenges and long distance sled dog racing, Tore possesses natural leadership qualities. He puts the safety and wellbeing of others before his own and that is an important value for all our guides. Any challenge of nature is first and foremost about safety, safety, safety!

Tore Albrigtsen is a Certified Instructor for glaciers, mountaineering and kayaking. He enjoys nature’s joys and challenges.

Tore and his girlfriend Sandra share a unique life. They are truly a fascinating couple, who love their dogs and have such an incredible passion for the sport of sled dog racing.

The team


Sandra is the heart and soul of the family business. She takes care of her beloved huskies, manages the office and looks after the well-being of the team.

She has the spirit of a true adventurer.

In 2016, Sandra went on a three-month long journey in Alaska to support Tore’s ambitions for sled dog racing. She felt blessed to be a part of this adventure and fell head over heals in love with the dream of long distance sled dog racing.

One year later, Sandra successfully competed in Europe’s longest sled dog race, Finnmarksløpet, and she has many more races to come.

Sandra has a strong love for the North. She feels at home in Northern Norway and enjoys making your dreams of sledding through the pristine Arctic wilderness come true.


I’m 24 and come from the northern part of Germany, near Hamburg. I grew up with a family dog and over the years I build up a great bond with him like everyone else in my family. This was a big reason why I was getting fascinated by the thought of working and living with dogs. I also love to do all kinds of physical activities and like to challenge myself to learn new skills and lifetime experiences.
Doing activities outdoors in the nature gives me a lot of peace and motivation. To start working as a musher was for me the perfect fit to combine all these elements and to do this in such a beautiful part of world with northern lights and all kinds of wildlife was the final reason to leave home and go to the northern part of Norway. It’s important for me to always show up with a positive attitude and spread a good vibe to the people around me.